Faculty members of the Department of Law

Dr. Md Mustakimur Rahman

Associate Professor & Chairman

Tasnuva Sharmin Tushi

Associate Professor, Department of Law

Md. Abdul Goffur

Associate Professor, Department of Law (Study Leave, USA)

Fr. Lawrence Noresh Das, CSC

Associate Professor, Department of Law

Arif Ahmed

Associate Professor

Tahsin Khan

Asst. Professor, Department of Law (Study Leave, England)

Shanjida Israt Jahan Efat

Asst. Professor, Department of Law

Md. Razidur Rahaman

Asst. Professor (Study Leave)

Shadika Haque Monia

Lecturer, Department of Law

Barrister Ahmed Al-Raji

Lecturer, Department of Law

Sanjida Haider Suha


Tarikul Kabir


Richita Akter


Sinthia Siddique Pritha


Md. Abu Bakar Siddique


Admission Open

Fall 2025

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