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Marks distribution system

    1. Mid-Term: 20 (duration: one hour)
    2.  Final: 40 (duration: 2 hours)
    3.  Attendance: 10 (for 90% attendance)
    4.  Quiz: 10 (minimum 3 quizzes)
    5.  Assignment: 10
    6. Presentation: 10

*Pass Marks in the written part (Mid + Final) out of 60 is 24.
*Pass Marks in the other 40 marks for attendance, quiz, assignment and presentation is 16.


Students with minimum 70% attendance will be able to sit for final exams. Those with 60% attendance–for the first time, will be given permission for exams but they will not be given 10 marks for their attendance. A student with the attendance below 60 will not be permitted to sit for final exam.

Late Payment

Late payment with fine

Students can pay the tuition fees in three installments–at the beginning of the semester, before the mid-term exams, and before the final exams. If a student delays to pay in time, will be able to pay later with late fine. Payment with late fine will be Tk. 1000/- 

Late payment-related attendance

All students’ names will be enlisted in the register book at the beginning of the semester–whether they have completed the registration process or not. This will help them get attendance if they attend the classes. (Late payers will pay fine–Tk. 1000/- ) 

Withdrawing from a semester

Policy for withdrawing

If a student wants to withdraw from a semester, he/she will write an application to the Registrar. If anyone remains absent without information, he/she will be charged for the whole semester.


Payments are non-refundable but can be transferred to the following semester. Process of refunding for withdrawing after payment: There will be 3 categories for refunding the withdrawing students:

  1. Category one: 75% of tuition fee will be transferred to the next semester if the student decides and informs the registrar’s office to withdraw from the course within 2 weeks after the registration.
  2. Category two: 50% of tuition fee will be transferred if the decision is informed to the registrar’s office within 4 weeks after the registration.
  3. Category three: 25% of the tuition fee will be transferred if the registrar’s office is informed of the decision within 1 week after the Mid-Term exams.

If a student informs the decision after category three, mentioned above, then no money will be transferred.

If a student does not want to continue his/her studies at NDUB, no money will be refunded.

Withdrawal policy due to serious illness or accident

If a student is unable to complete the Semester Final Examination due to serious illness or serious accident, he/she may apply to the Head of the concerned Department for total withdrawal from the Semester within eight working days after the end of the Semester Final Examination. However, he/she may choose not to withdraw any sessional course if the grade obtained in such a course is C or higher. A medical certificate endorsed by a medical doctor must be submitted with the application. The Dean of the concerned Faculty will take the decision on such an application and inform the Registrar, who will make the necessary arrangements to complete the process. However, he/she may be allowed to register for backlog courses, if offered.

Organizational Framework

The curriculum of a program of the University is based on the Course Credit System. In the curriculum, strong emphasis is given on acquiring thorough knowledge in the relevant basic courses, which helps the student to interact more positively with the society in which he/she lives.

Duration of a Semester

There are two semesters (Spring and Fall) in an academic year. The duration of each semester is 24 weeks, which will be used as follows:

Classes 13 weeks
Preparatory leave before Trimester Final Exam 01 week
Duration of Examination 01 week
Trimester break 01 week
Total 16 weeks

Course Policies

Course Offering and Instructions

The courses to be offered in a particular Semester will be announced and published in the Course Curriculum along with a tentative Semester schedule before the end of the previous Semester. Whether a course is to be offered in any Semester will be decided by the Department.

Each course will be usually conducted by one teacher. The Course Teacher will be responsible for maintaining the expected standard of teaching of the course and for the assessment of the students’ performance.

Course Pattern and Structure

The Programs will consist of a set of Textual, Theoretical, Practical courses and internship/thesis.

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction in all programs is English. Therefore, proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the candidates to get admission in the degree programs.

Coordinating Courses

The Head/Administration will nominate a teacher as Course Coordinator for each Semester a year. S/he will advise the students on all academic matters periodically.

Updating Curriculum and Syllabus

Consistent with its resilient policy to keep pace with new developments in the field of knowledge, the Department will update its curriculum at least every four years {According to the Private University Act 2010, Article 24(2)} in line with the international standard to be approved by the Academic Council.

Registration Procedure

Each student will fill in the course preregistration form in consultation with the Advisor and Course Coordinator under the guidance of the Department Head three (3) weeks before commencement of the Semester. The original copy of the course preregistration form will have to be submitted to the Registrar’s office. The Registrar’s Office will be responsible for its distribution to relevant authorities (Departments and Controller of Examinations etc.). The course registration will be completed within the five working days at the beginning of each Semester by paying the total fee. However, late registration will be permitted unto next five working days on payment of late registration fees. Students having dues to the University shall not be permitted to register.

Limits on the Credit Hours to be Taken in a Semester

A student must register for at least 09 credit hours and may be allowed to register for up to a maximum of 15 credit hours if recommended by his/her Department Head.


  1. A comprehensive exam will constitute part of the final results
  2. Each student will write a Thesis

Registration for the Second and Subsequent Semesters

Students who pass all the courses prescribed for the Semester and have no backlog of courses will be eligible to register for all courses prescribed for the next Semester. Other students have to register for the backlog courses plus the courses prescribed for the next semester, with necessary payment.


Absence in Final Examination will result in F Grade

A student who has been absent for a short period, up to a maximum of three weeks due to illness, should approach the course teacher and the office of the Registrar for the make-up of In-course/ assignment(s) etc. immediately on returning to classes. Such request should be supported by a medical certificate endorsed by a registered medical doctor. The medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner (with the registration number shown explicitly on the certificate) will be acceptable only in those cases where the student has valid reasons for his absence from the University.

Absence during a Semester

A student should not be absent from In-course/assignment(s) etc. during the Semester. Such absences will naturally lead to reduction in points/marks, which count toward the final grade Absence in Semester.

Absence in Final Examination will result in F Grades

A student who has been absent for a short period, up to a maximum of three weeks due to illness, should approach the course teacher(s) or Course coordinator(s) for the make-up of In-course/ assignment(s) etc. immediately on returning to classes. Such request should be supported by a medical certificate endorsed by the Chief Medical Officer of the University. The medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner (with the registration number shown explicitly on the certificate) and endorsed by the Chief Medical Officer of the University will also be acceptable only in those cases where the student has valid reasons for his absence from the University.

Calculation of GPA

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average of Grade Points obtained in all the courses passed/completed by a student. For example, if a student has passed/completed five courses in a Semester having credits of C1, C2, C3,C4 and C5, and his/her points in these courses are G1, G2, G3,G4 and G5 respectively, then,

gpa-calculation-formula GPA = C i G i C i


Suppose a student has completed four courses in a Semester and obtained the following grades:

Equivalence Grade Point Equivalence Description Letter Grade
80% - 100% 4.0 Outstanding A+
75% - 79% 3.75 Excellent A
70% - 74% 3.50 Very Good A-
65% - 69% 3.25 Good B+
60% - 64% 3.00 Satisfactory B
55% - 59% 2.75 Fair B-
50% - 54% 2.50 Average C+
45% - 49% 2.25 Below Average C
40% - 44% 2.00 Pass D
Below 40% 0.00 Fail F

Then his/her GPA for the Semester will be computed as follows:

gpa-sample-calculation GPA = 3 × 3 . 75 + 3 × 4 . 00 + 3 × 3 . 75 + 3 × 3 . 75 ( 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 ) = 3 . 81