Notre Dame University Bangladesh Celebrates the 75th Birthday of Hon’ble. PM Sheikh Hasina

On Tuesday, 28th September 2021, NDUB joined the nation in celebrating the 75th birthday of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the President of the Bangladesh Awami League, with much enthusiasm and festivities.

Marking the event, a special program was held at the auditorium of the University. The VC of NDUB, Dr. Fr. Patrick Daniel Gaffney, CSC, was the Chief Guest at the event. The program was also attended by the Registrar, Fr. Adam S. Pereira, CSC, the Deputy Controller of Examinations Fr. Boniface Tolentino, CSC, Engineer Taslimuddin Jamaddar, Administrative officers, and staff of the University.

The program began with the hoisting of the national flag by the VC and the Registrar. The singing of the national anthem accompanied the solemn act.

Then the Chief Guest and other guests of honor were greeted with flower bouquets by the university staff.
In his welcome speech, the Chief Guest explained the significance of the PM’s office. He said, we honor what she represents and the bold image that she holds in world politics. The VC tried to reflect that birthday certainly comes with the tragic memories of her family members that she and the nation lost in the course of the democracy of this nation. He ended his speech acknowledging her dedicated service to the nation and wishing her long life and good health.

The speech was followed by two devotional Tagore songs, performed by Lipika Jane Costa in honor of the PM.

In his sharing, Special guest Prof. Md. Kazi Anowar Hussain said he is too young to share his thoughts on such a towering figure as the Hon’ble PM Sheikh Hasina. He recalled his precious childhood memory of meeting with the PM in person. The able leadership of the PM has made Bangladesh stand confidently on the world map. Once, our country was negatively portrayed for being poverty-stricken and flood-ridden. However, now with the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, we can send a satellite in space, dream of a Padma bridge, metro rail, nuclear power plant, and so on. He, too, wished the PM a very happy birthday.

Newton Mondal and the Public Relations office of NDUB presented an informative documentary that chronicled the life and achievements of the PM.

The first part of the program came to an end as all the guests joined hands in cutting the birthday cake.

Before proceeding to the tree plantation, Fr. Adam S. Pereira, CSC, the Registrar gave a vote of thanks to everyone involved in the program and lauded the neat organization of the program on such short notice. In his speech, he also mentioned that the PM is taking forward his father’s vision, Sheikh Mujib. ‘Shobuj Biplob’ was a great tree plantation movement started by Bangabandhu, the undisputed great leader of our nation. It is a privilege for us to have the opportunity to be led by the Great Man’s daughter and honor her while she is still alive. He added that the UGC has taken a timely step by asking all universities of Bangladesh to observe tree plantation programs.

The final half of the program was devoted to planting a Neem tree to mark the PM’s 75th birthday. Everyone proceeded to the campus premises. Deputy registrar Fr. Leonard Shankar CSC gave a short speech explaining the significance of the PM as a loving mother for the nation and mother of humanity. Greenery-oxygen-breathing- all these resonate with the concept of life. Tree plantation is a great initiative, and such an act is very appropriate on the day that marks a great leader’s birthday.

The program ended with photo sessions of the guests of honor and all the administrative officers and staff of NDUB.
NDUB appreciates the Hon’ble PM Sheikh Hasina’s political wisdom, prudence, dynamic leadership, and humanitarian values. We wish her a very happy birthday, long life, and sound health.

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