Home > Microbiology Faculties Microbiology Faculty Members Md. Shahidul Kabir, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman of Microbiology Department mskabir@ndub.edu.bd details Dr. Abed Chaudhury Adjunct Professor of Microbiology Department Not Available details Edee Amin Lecturer (Microbiology) edeeamin@ndub.edu.bd details Saria Farheen Lecturer (Microbiology) saria.farheen@ndub.edu.bd details A. H. M. Saiful Islam Professor (GED Course) saiful@ndub.edu.bd details Dr. Md. Jamir Hossain Associate Professor (GED Course) hossainjamir@ndub.edu.bd details Dr. Sr. Henrieta Gomes, SMRA Asst. Professor (GED Course) henrieta@ndub.edu.bd details
Md. Shahidul Kabir, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman of Microbiology Department mskabir@ndub.edu.bd details