Md. Shahidul Kabir, Ph.D.

Professor and Chairman


I am passionate about research in molecular microbiology and teaching. I completed both undergraduate and postgraduate degree from the Department of Microbiology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and joined reputed research organization, icddr,b – a Center of Excellence in Microbiology Research in Bangladesh. I completed my higher studies from the University of Westminster, London, UK in 2012 with an award of Ph. D. with Cavendish Research Scholarship. I also availed the opportunity to complete a “Post Graduate Certificate in Special Study in Supporting Learning” (PGCertSSL) from the same university. I served at Stamford University Bangladesh (SUB) full-time from July 2005 to June 2024 in teaching, research and administrative responsibilities. I am currently working as a Professor and Chairman in the Department of Microbiology of Notre Dame University Bangladesh. My current and future interest is to explore collaborative research and funding opportunities in potential areas of microbiology such as, infectious diseases, public health, antibiotic resistance, biofilm, microbial genomics, bioinformatics and other relevant fields.

Professional experience

  1. Professor and Chairman, Department of Microbiology, Notre Dame University Bangladesh from 01 July 2024 to date.
  2. Professor, Department of Microbiology, SUB from 16 March 2017 to 30 June 2024.
    Additional responsibility: (i) Director IQAC, SUB from 16 March 2017 to 30 June 2024, (ii) Editor, Stamford Journal of Microbiology from July 2019 to 30 June 2024.
  3. Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Stamford University, Bangladesh from 05 November 2013 to 15 March 2017.
    Additional responsibility: (i) Director IQAC, SUB from 01 January 2015 to 16 March 2017, (ii) Editorial Board Member, Stamford Journal of Microbiology from July 2013 to 2018.
  4. Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Stamford University, Bangladesh from 01 July 2012 to 04 November 2013.
  5. Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, Stamford University, Bangladesh, from 16 July 2005 to 30 June 2012.
  6. Research Officer, Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Laboratory Sciences Division, icddr,b between December 04, 2003 and July 14, 2005. I was involved in the research project to study biofilm, “Vibrio cholerae 01 EPS structure, regulation and function”- a collaborative project funded by the Dartmouth University, USA.
  7. Visiting Scientist, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia from January 2002 to July 2002 on DNA sequence analysis of housekeeping genes of different isolates of coli.
  8. Research Officer, Environmental Microbiology laboratory, LSD, icddr,b from December 1999 to January 2002, I was engaged in research project to study “Ecology and epidemiology of Vibrio cholerae in Bangladesh”. This project was funded by NIH, USA.
  9. Scientific Officer, Department of Microbiology, National Healthcare Network (NHN) –and enterprise of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh (DAB), Dhaka from July 1996 to December 1999.
Educational Background
  1. Ph.D. (2012), School of Life Sciences, University of Westminster, London, UK.
  2. Post Graduate Certificate of Special Study in Supporting Learning (PGCertSSL), (2010). University of Westminster, London, UK. This was one year part time postgraduate Certificate course on different modules on supporting learning and teaching at the university level.
  3. Master of Science (M. Sc.) in Microbiology (1996). First Class, University of Dhaka
  4. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Honors in Microbiology (1994). First Class, University of Dhaka.
Academic Honors
  1. Cavendish scholarship, University of Westminster, UK, 2008-2012
  2. Postgraduate scholarship, University of Dhaka, 1993-1994
  3. Undergraduate scholarship, Education Board, Rajshahi, 1988-1992
  4. Higher Secondary scholarship, Education Board, Rajshahi, 1986-1988
Awards/ Grants / Funds
  1. Fund: BDT 2.91 crores were jointly funded by the World Bank, Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Stamford University Bangladesh for a project “Establishment of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Stamford University Bangladesh” (Dr. Md. Shahidul Kabir, was the Director of the project from January 2015 to September 2018. IQAC is now internalized in the orgaogram of the University and still functioning).
  2. Grant: BDT 8.00 lakhs awarded by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for a research project on “Clonal relationship of diarrhoeagenic and drug resistant Escherichia coli isolated from clinical and food samples.” (Dr. Md. Shahidul Kabir, Associate Investigator from July 2013 to June 2016)
  3. SGM Bursary for attending the conference and present poster held in Spring, 2010 in Scotland, UK.
  4. Bursary from Wellcome Sanger Institute for attending an advanced course on “Virus discovery in clinical setting”.
  5. Minigrant (£3000.00) awarded from the University of Westminster awarded through my supervisor for excellence in research during my Ph. D.

Training (International and National level)

  1. International training between 23rd March and 1st April 2015 on “Quality Assurance in Higher Education.” This training was jointly organized by AIT Extension, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand & University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh.
  2. Training on “Teaching Learning, Curriculum and Quality Assurance”, from 06 to 10 September, 2015, at Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agriculture Institute, Mymensingh.
  3. Attended a number of workshops and seminars on Quality Assurance, Improvement of quality in Higher Education Institutes, Self assessment process, Self Assessment Report Writing, External Peer Review, organised in several occasions by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh.
  4. Attended a 7-day Advanced Training on “Virus discovery in clinical setting” organized by the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK.
  5. Attended 7-day induction program before registration of my Ph. D. This program was organized by the School of Life Sciences, University of Westminster.
  6. Attended a training program from 19-20th November 2008, on information skills for researchers (Using library and internet resources & building bibliography and undertaking a literature review), organized by the University of Westminster, London, UK.
  7. Attended a number of workshops and seminars on Outcome Based Education Curriculum (OBEC) design, Constructive alignment of Teaching Learning and Assessment, organised by the UGC of Bangladesh.

Professional Membership

  1. Life Member, Bangladesh Society of Microbiologist
  2. Associate Member, Society of General Microbiology, UK
  3. Member, Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), SUB (From 2015 to June 2024)
  4. Member, Academic Council, SUB (From January 2015 to June 2024)
  5. Member Curriculum Committee of Department of Microbiology, SUB
List of publications in international journal
  1. Sarker PK, Rahman H, Ara K, Kabir MS, Pramanik SK, Hasan M. 2023. Prevalence of Pathogenic and Multidrug Resistant Bacteria in Prepared Raw Salad Vegetables in Dhaka Metropolitan Area. MIST Int J Sci Tech. 11(1): 51-57.
  2. Kabir MS. (2018). Molecular methods for detection of pathogenic viruses of the respiratory tract-a review. Asian Pacific J of Trop Biomed. 8(5): 237-244.
  3. Kabir MS. (2017). Pathogenic viruses of the respiratory tract-a review. Asian Pacific J of Trop Dis. 7(5): 316-320.
  4. Farjana T, Rahman MM, Eva KA, Zerin N and Kabir MS. (2016). Evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of different Bangladeshi spices (Turmeric, Garlic and Ginger). European J of Biomed and Pharma Sci. 3 (7): 43-49.
  5. Kabir MS, Clements MO, Atkins M and Kimmitt PT. (2015). Application of RT-Bst to enhance detection of pathogenic viruses of the respiratory tract. Brit J of Biomed Sci. 72(3): 128-34.
  6. Swagoto NJ, Parvin N, Ahsan S and Kabir MS. (2015). Incidence of multiple pathogenic bacteria in green chille and cabbage in Dhaka city. Int Food Res J. 22(4): 1681-1686.
  7. Kabir MS, Clements MO and Kimmitt PT. (2014). RT-Bst: an integrated approach for reverse transcription and enrichment of cDNA from viral RNA. Brit J of Biomed Sci. 72 (1): 1-6.
  8. Islam K, Rowsni AA, Khan MM and Kabir MS. (2014). Antimicrobial activity of ginger (Zingiber officinale) extracts against food-borne pathogenic bacteria. Int J of Sci Env and Tech. 3(3): 867–871.
  9. Rowsni AA, Islam K, Khan M and Kabir MS. (2014). Antimicrobial activity of essential oils against food-borne pathogenic bacteria. Int J of Pharma Sci and Res. 5(11): 4876-4879.
  10. Farjana A, Zerin N and Kabir MS. (2014). Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plant leaf extracts against pathogenic bacteria. Asian Pac J Trop Dis. 4(2): S920-S923.
  11. Mandal J, Akhter MZ, Kabir MS and Ahsan S. (2014). Development of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction protocol for the simultaneous detection of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Class 1 integron. Asian Pac J Trop Dis. 4(2): S808-S812.
  12. Mamun AA, Shaha TK, Khan MM and Kabir MS. (2014). Determination of microbial load in multivitamin and cough syrups sold in Dhaka city. Int J of Pharma Sci and Drug Res. 6(3): 235-238.
  13. Hossain MD, Ahsan S and Kabir MS. (2014). Antibiotic resistance patterns of uropathogens isolated from catheterized and noncatheterized patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tzu Chi Med J. 26: 127-131.
  14. Kabir MS, Hasan M and Ahsan S. (2014). Incidence of multiple potentially pathogenic bacteria in tap water from different restaurants in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Int Food Res J. 21(1): 131-134.
  15. Kabir MS, Asma A, Farahnaaz F and Sunjukta A. (2013). Determination of Antibiotic resistance pattern of Biofilm producing Pathogenic Bacteria associated with UTI. Int J Drug Dev Res. 5(4): 312-319.
  16. Islam MS, Brooks A, Kabir MS, Jahid IK, Islam MS, Goswami D, Nair GB, Larson C, Yukiko W and Luby S. (2007). Faecal contamination of drinking water sources of Dhaka city during 2004 flood in Bangladesh and use of disinfectants for water treatment. J of Appl Microbiol. 103(1), 80-87.
  17. Islam MS, Jahid MIK, Rahman MM, Rahman MZ, Islam MS, Kabir MS, Sack DA, Schoolnik GK. (2007). Biofilm acts as a microenvironment for plankton-associated Vibrio cholerae in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh. Microbiol Immunol. 51 (4), 369-79.
  18. Islam MS, Kabir MS, Khan SI, Ekramullah M, Nair GB, Sack RB and Sack DA. (2004). Wastewater-grown duckweed may be safely used as fish feed. Can J of Microbiol. 50, 51-56.
  19. Iqbal J, Kabir MS and Rahman M. (1999). An in vitro comparative susceptibility studies if conjunctiva isolates against different topical antibiotics. J of Antimicrob Chemother. 43 (4), 611-612.
  20. Iqbal J, Rahman M, and Kabir MS. (1999). Ciprofloxacin resistance among community derived methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains. The Southeast Asian J of Trop Med & Public Health. 30 (4).
  21. Iqbal J, Rahman M and Kabir MS. (1997). Increasing ciprofloxacin resistance among prevalent urinary tract bacterial isolates in Bangladesh. Jap J of Med Sci and Bio. 50(6), 241-250.
List of publication in national journals
  1. Rahman M H, Rahman MM, Sultana R and Kabir MS. 2022. Incidence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in poultry and livestock in Dhaka city. Stamford J. Microbiol. 12(1) 37-42.
  2. Rahman M H, Asaduzzaman M and Kabir MS. 2021. Determination of antimicrobial activity of traditiona spices extracts against clinical isolates in Dhaka city. Stamford J. Microbiol. 11(1) 17-19.
  3. Nahar S, Khatun MS and Kabir MS. 2020. Application of microbiological assay to determine the potency of intravenous antibiotics. Stamford J. Microbiol. 10(1) 25-29.
  4. Khatun MS, Nahar S and Kabir MS. 2019. Antibiotic resistance pattern of bacteria isolated from outdoor patients in Dhaka city: a single center study. Stamford J. Microbiol. 9(1) 1-4.
  5. Hasan M M; Tahmina S; Kabir M S. 2019. Prevalence of Transfusion Transmissible Infections (HBV, HCV, HIV and Treponema pallidum in Volunteer Blood Donors in Shirajganj District. Bangladesh J Microbiol. 36(2) 105-109.
  6. Kayseri Afroz, Tahmina Shammi1, Md. Shahidul Kabir1. (2019). Study of Microbiological Quality of Fresh Juices Vended in Dhaka City. Bangladesh J Microbiol. 36(1) 49-53.
  7. Das AK, Sultana Z, Kabir A and Kabir MS. (2018). Effect of Washing on Reducing Bacterial Loads in Common Vegetables Sold in Dhaka City, Bangladesh J Microbiol, 35 (2): 96-101.
  8. Islam T, Sarkar D, Mamun AA, Ahsan S and Kabir MS. (2017). Effect of the combined use of Esomeprazole and Imipenem against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bangladesh J of Microbiol. 34 (1): 21-25.
  9. Kabir MS, Haque MA. (2016). Approaches of learning and teaching: changing paradigms. Teachers’ World – Journal of Education and Research. 43:141-151.
  10. Khanom A, Shammi T, Kabir MS. (2016). Determination of microbiological quality of packed and unpacked bread and floursold in Dhaka city. Stamford J of Microbiol. 6(1): 24-29.
  11. Ahsan S, Arefin MS, Munishi JL, Begum MN, Maliha M, Rahman S, Bhowmik A and Kabir MS. (2015). In vitro antibacterial activity of Spirulina platensis extracts against clinical isolates of Salmonella enteric serovar Typhi and Paratyphi. Stamford J of Microbiol. 5(1): 22-25.
  12. Bhowmik A, Ahsan S, Akhtar MZ and Kabir MS. (2015). Incidence of β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli amongst clinical isolates in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Stamford J of Microbiol. 5(1): 22-25.
  13. Hasan MM and Kabir MS. (2014). Study of shelf life of non-preservative containing mango drinks produced in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Stamford J of Microbiol. 4(1): 24-27.
  14. Kabir A, Das AK and Kabir MS. (2014). Incidence of antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria in vegetable items sold by local and super shops in Dhaka city. Stamford J of Microbiol. 4(1): 24-27.
  15. Morium MM, Ahsan S, Kabir MS, Akhter MZ and Islam MF. (2014). In vitro biofilm formation ability of clinical isolates of Salmonella enteria Serovars Typhi and Paratyphi. Bangladesh J of Microbiol. 31(182), 35-39.
  16. Chowdhury FFK, Ahsan S and Kabir MS. (2013). Antibiotic resistance patterns of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria isolated from UTI patients in Sirajganj district. Stamford J of Microbiol. 2(1): 1-5.
  17. Ahsan S and Kabir, MS. (2012). Linear plasmid and their replication. Stamford J of Microbiol. 2(1), 1-5.
  18. Rahman M, Ahsan S, Kabir MS, Karim E and Choudhury N. (2006). Microbiological status and hygienic condition of different categories of food establishments in Dhaka, Bangladesh. J of Biol Sci. 15(1), 85-87.
  19. Rahman M, Ahsan S, Kabir MS, Karim E and Choudhury N. (2004). Bacteriological quality of food and beverages served by different food vendors in Dhaka city. Bangladesh J of Microbiol. 21(2),90-92.
  20. Khan R, Kabi, MS, Iqbal J, Ahmed T and Ahsan CR. (2003). Drug resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: an emerging threat in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J of Microbiol. 20 (1 & 2), 37-41.
  21. Mahmud ZH, Kabir MS, Rashid MH and Ahsan CR. (1999). Assessment of bacteriological quality of processed fish in different fish processing industries in Khulna, Bangladesh. Bangladesh J of Microbiol. 16 (2), 163-169.
  22. Iqbal J, Kabir MS and Rahman M. (1998). Current status of gram-negative bacterial susceptibility to selected third generation cephalosporins. Bangladesh J of Microbiol. 15 (1), 47-50.
  23. Kabir MS, Khan SI and Islam MS. (1996). Abundance of Vibrio cholerae non 01 in a fish culture firm uses sewage grown duckweed as fish feed. Bangladesh J of Biochem. 2(2), 75-80.

Poster presentation

  • Kabir MS, Clements M and Kimmitt P. (2010). Use of ligation to enhance phi29 DNA polymerase-mediated amplification and detection of viral cDNA. Poster presented at the conference organized by the Society of General Microbiology in Spring, 2010.
  • Sunami A, Kabir MS and Kimmitt P. (2010). Phi29 amplification of different structural conformations of DNA. Poster presented at the conference organized by the Society of General Microbiology in Spring, 2010.
  • Kabir MS, Clements M and Kimmit P. (2009). Validation and adaptation of metagenomic approaches to identify novel viruses in patients with upper respiratory tract infection. Poster presented at the postgraduate fair organized by the School of Life Sciences, University of Westminster in April, 2009.

Articles in the Newspaper

  1. Kabir MS. 2020. Understanding how COvid-19 works is imperative for curbing its spread. The Business Standard. June 23, 2020. (
  2. Kabir MS. 2020. Food safety during Covid 19 pandemic (Koronakale khabare shotorkota). The Daily Smakal. July 04, 2020. ( খাবাের-সতক_তা)

Abstract/Poster presentation

A number of abstract/posters were presented in the annual conference organized by Bangladesh Society of Microbiology between 1998 and 2018.

Guest speaker / Resource person at other departments or institutions
  1. External Peer Review Team (EPRT) member in the Dept. of Microbiology, History of Arts, Tourism and Hospitality Management University of Dhaka on invitation from IQAC, DU
  2. EPRT member in the Dept. of Microbiology, Chittagong University on invitation from IQAC, CU
  3. EPRT member in the Dept. of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) on invitation from IQAC, BSMMU
  4. EPRT member in the Dept. of Law, Shanto-Marium University of Creative Technology
  5. Organised External Peer Review for 13 Departments of Stamford University Bangladesh
  6. Organized six-day long orientation and training for newly recruited teachers at SUB (four batches).
  7. Organized day long workshop for all full-time teachers (around 300) of SUB on Blooms Taxonomy of Learning, Teaching methods and approaches and Assessment techniques
  8. Organized workshop on Self Assessment, Data Sharing and Outcome Based Curriculum design for 13 departments of SUB
  9. Trainer in two “Short Courses on Flood-related Health Problems” offered by the icddr,b from October 03 to October 13, 2004 and October 17 to October 25, 2004.