Cricket tournament report

Notre Dame University Bangladesh (NDUB) organized an inter-departmental cricket tournament from 24 to 25 February 2023. The university’s English, Law, Business and CSE departments participated in this tournament. Playing in a league system, the English and Business departments qualified for the final match based on the highest points. In the final, the English department defeated the business department by 3 wickets to become the champion.

Deputy Registrar of the University Father Asim Gonsalves CSC, Sister Shagarika Maria Gomes, Asst. Director of Student Affairs, Chairman of the English Department Professor Golam Sarwar Chowdhury, Tournament Coordinator Stanley Rozario, managers of four teams and other teachers-officers of the University were present. At the end of the event, Tournament Coordinator Stanley Rozario thanked everyone for their active participation, and hoped that there would be more such events in the future with everyone’s cooperation.

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