Welcome to

department of economics

Department of Economics of NDUB desires to produce economists who will perform not only as professionals but also as leaders because it remains committed to developing and relating Economics to comprehend and better our economy and society.

Welcome message

MEssage from the department head

Dr. Md. Azizur Rahman

Professor, Chairman, Department of Economics

Economics is very important as a subject. It belongs to Social science faculty in some Universities and in some other to science faculty. Adam Smith is the Founder of Economics. In all famous Universities of the world including MIT, Harvard University ,Chicago university,Oxford University, Cambridge University and many others Economics is taught with excellenc. What ever be the faculty , Economics is the mother of all sciences. That is why the Nobel Foundation Committee has chosen Economics as a subject for Nobel Prize. Consequently each year we are getting world famous Economist(s ) receiving Nobel Prize. The first Nobel laureate Economists jointly were Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen in 1969. The first Nobel laureate American Economist was Paul Samuelson in 1970 who was the Founder of MIT graduate Department of Economics.We are proud of two Indian Economists Professor Dr. Amartya Sen received Nobel Prize in 1998 and Prof Dr. Abhijit Vinayak Banrjee received Nobel prize in 2019 .

. Economics is very important because all our life from cradle to grave and beyond we have to run up against the brutal truths of Economics. Without studying Economics we cannot fully understand growth, Budget, tax policy, fiscal policy, monetary policy, fluctuations, inflation,deflation, unemployment, peak, recession, depression, recovery, full employment, trough, macroeconomic stability, cost- benefit analysis, impact of environment pollution and warming.

Regarding the special features of Economics Department of Notre Dame University Bangladesh I want to mention that the faculties of this Department are very friendly , cooperative and devoted to students study.They take high care and give cordial attention to their students for their gradual and sustainable progress.They always motivate students about their unlimited latent potentialities. They allows follow the UNOSC message that a good teacher speaks not only chosen programs but also the needs of the learners.

Participatory class lectures, assignments, quiz, group learning and sharing, group and individual presentations, asking and answering questions, conducting research, and writing research papers, etc.are techniques of the Department. Facuties always give intensive attention to slow learners and try to accelerate fast learners. They try to optimise individual learning outcomes by bridging students--students and students--teachers gaps.

The faculty members of the department have excellent academic records and research backgrounds. We have both permanent faculties and adjunct facilities. The adjunct facilities come from Dhaka University, Jahagirnagar University and Jagnnath university. I have been working as Professor and Chairman of the Department of Economics. We always welcome students in Department of Economics. In final year , Economics students have options either to do thesis or to do internships. Those who go for internships they have opportunities to do it with Bangladesh Bank, Sonali Bank, Janata Bank, Agrani Bank and other reputed public and private organisations. Those who do thesis get chance to do Ph.D at home and abroad after completing Masters degree. At present many of our first Batch students have been doing Ph.D. abroad and some ones doing jobs. Students completing internships usually get employment in different public and private financial institutions and organisations including BCS cadre services.

Read about the department of Business administration

About the department

Welcome to the Department of Economics of Notre Dame University Bangladesh. The Department of Economics has been committed towards promoting High Quality Education for those who really want to learn Economics, not the degree only. Department shares fundamental economics as well as applied economics with a wide range & other basic courses to create a complete profile of learning so that they can perform throughout a wide stage of professionals.

The Department of Economics at NDUB is committed to excellence in both teaching and research. Our members include some of the nation’s most distinguished academic economists, who undertake innovative research that extends the frontiers of modern economic analysis, and our programmes are internationally recognised for the exceptional training and scholarship that is provided.

The Department of Economics offers more than 50 courses to complete 120 Credits for BSS degree. Course selection and syllabus is prepared and reviewed with the help of preeminent professors of Bangladesh. The course structure incorporates a balance of Theoretical Study & Quantitative Reasoning.

In MSS program it will train students in modern economic theory, empirical methods and policy matters in a wide variety of specialization.

Department of Economics of NDUB desires to produce economists who will perform not only as  professionals but also as leaders because it remain committed to developing and relating Economics to comprehend and better our economy and society.

The Department of Economics offers following program:

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

The Department of Economics has been offering a 4-year undergraduate Degree program since 2014. The 4-year Degree program is spread over eight semesters with two semesters per academic year. 

Objectives of the department

The programs offered by the Department of Economics are designed to:

  1. provide a general understanding of the functioning of the economic system and the role of institutions, groups, and regions within that system; and
  2. prepare the student for employment in industry, the professions, and government, or to pursue graduate work toward such advanced degrees as the M.A., M.B.A., or Ph.D. in economics, business, or related fields.

As a financial risk or investment analyst, our graduates can work for insurance or trading companies, banks hedge funds, and in the public sector. An Auditor, our graduates can work for financial consultancy companies, the Government or NGO’s. As an economic consultant, our graduates canwork forfinancial companies, research institutes, public and private agencies. As financial managers, our graduates can also work for any type of company or public sector.

Get to know our Economics Faculty Members

Faculty Members

Dr. Md. Azizur Rahman

Professor, Chairman, Department of Economics

Samirah Mustafa

Asst. Professor, Department of Economics

Prof. Habibullah Bahar


Dr. Md. Aynul Islam

photo gallary

department photo gallary

The campus is vibrant with activities. There are many opportunities for getting involved in extra-curricular activities at Notre Dame University Bangladesh (NDUB). The instructors may be demanding, yet are very friendly and helpful and so are all the staff and support people. When you need help, there will be help for you.

Stay Updated

Department of Economics Notice

Department of Economics Notice​

Necessary info on double major, internship/thesis, teaching assistance​

sample necessary informations Sample

Admission Open

Fall 2025

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