The Notre Dame University Bangladesh Business Club, demonstrating its proactive approach, was responsible for hosting an esteemed seminar titled “Exploring Career: Mapping Your Route to Success.” This seminar took place on the 10th of October 2023, within the newly inaugurated building at NDUB. The “Exploring Career” seminar was a proactive initiative taken by the Notre Dame University Bangladesh Business Club to provide attendees with up-to-date insights into career exploration. The primary objective was to gather wisdom from the challenging experiences of top industry leaders and facilitate meaningful interactions between students, faculty members, and distinguished guests.

Approximately 150 students, including NDUB Business Club moderator, Tanzia Rahman, and co-moderator, Dr. Abdul Hakim, NDUBBC expertly organized and executed the seminar titled “Exploring Career – Mapping Your Route to Success.” The event featured two distinguished guests: Soykot Chowdhury Uchchhas, Business Development Manager at Unilever International, and Halima Akter Akhi, Senior CDT Officer in Sales at Nestle Bangladesh PLC.
In the esteemed presence of Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Fr. Patrick Daniel Gaffney, CSC, and Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Fr. Charles B Gordon, CSC, who served as chief guests, along with Prof. Dr. Parimal Chandra Datta, Chairperson & Coordinator of BBA & MBA programs and Department Head of Business Administration, the seminar enjoyed further prominence. The engagement of faculty members, including Dr. Vhokto Kumar Biswas, Assistant Professor, and Tama Chowdhury Tuli, Lecturer in Business Administration, added significance to the event, making it an even more delightful, inspiring, and gratifying experience for the attending students.
The primary objective of the seminar was to equip students with practical insights into the realm of career exploration. The seminar commenced with a formal welcome address by Tanzia Rahman, the moderator of the NDUB Business Club. Following that, Prof. Dr. Parimal Chandra Datta, the Department Head of Business Administration imparted his invaluable insights to the audience. Our esteemed chief guests, Vice-Chancellor Fr. Dr. Fr. Patrick Daniel Gaffney, CSC, and Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Fr. Charles B Gordon, CSC, commended the enthusiastic student participants for seizing this exceptional opportunity with their enlightening words.
During the seminar, Halima Akter Akhi, a Senior CDT Officer in Sales at Nestle Bangladesh PLC and a distinguished guest, began by introducing herself and providing a comprehensive overview of her challenging career journey. She emphasized the importance of cultivating a diverse skill set when pursuing career goals and shared insights into various aspects of career development.
Another special guest, Soykot Chowdhury Uchchhas, the Business Development Manager at Unilever International, shared his remarkable journey from a modest background to the pinnacle of his career. He highlighted the fundamental qualities and skills necessary for personal growth and achievement, while also discussing the challenges he faced along the way.
Both guests actively engaged with the enthusiastic participants, exploring ways to enhance their career aspirations and take advantage of networking opportunities within esteemed industries.
The seminar served as a valuable learning experience for the students, offering insights into strategies for securing positions in top organizations. Many students actively participated, seeking clarification on their doubts and uncertainties about career prospects in prestigious companies.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated executive committee, whose unwavering support and efforts ensured the successful execution of the seminar. We also extend our gratitude to all the enthusiastic participants who contributed to the seminar’s success.
Lastly, the seminar concluded with tokens of appreciation presented to our esteemed special guests, certificate distribution, a delightful meal, and exciting gifts courtesy of Nestlé Bangladesh for the participants. The campus exuded a lively ambiance as Nestlé offered refreshments to the students during the seminar.
In summary, the seminar was a vital learning experience, enabling students to unlock their potential and connect their conceptual knowledge with real-world practical examples.
In conclusion, the “Exploring Career: Mapping Your Route to Success” seminar was well-organized and highly informative. It succeeded in bringing together a diverse group of individuals with a shared commitment to career development and personal growth. The collective wisdom shared during the event will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the academic and professional journeys of the attendees.