Project showcased by students of CSE

A project showcasing was successfully done by the students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) on 17 August 2022, Wednesday, in the Open Square of NDUB.

Students of CSE 13, CSE 14, and CSE 15 batches showcased their hardware projects implemented as a part of the evaluation process of the course “Digital Logic Design Lab”. The projects included a digital multi-factor door lock system, a parcel-delivering drone, an automated traffic light management system, a line follower robot, an automated level-crossing system, an obstacle avoider robot, a digital multi-factor bank locker security system, an automatic watering system for gardens, and a robot for household works. Mr. Baizeed Ahmed Bhuiyan, Lecturer, Department of CSE, who is the course teacher of the aforesaid course, took the initiative for this showcasing. According to him, this type of event boosts the morale of the students to a great extent. Proper guidelines, grooming, and inspiration can pave the way for the students to develop these beginner level projects into some robust and handy digital systems for the welfare of the world. In this way, they can contribute into materializing the concept of Digital Bangladesh. Some students from CSE 10&11 of the course “Embedded System” conducted by Dr. Shaheena Sultana, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, also showcased their course projects. The projects included IoT based Storm Water management system, and a digital system embedded in a spectacle to reduce accidents due to drowsy-driving.

Prof. Dr. Fr. Patrick Daniel Gaffney, CSC, Honorable Vice-Chancellor of NDUB, embellished the occasion with his gracious presence. He visited each and every project, observed their functioning, and cheered the students for their endeavors. This brought a gleeful and effervescent environment among the students.

Prof. Dr. Aloke Kumar Chakraborty, Dean of the Faculty, Mr. A. H. M. Saiful Islam, Associate Professor & Chairman of the Department of CSE, Dr. Shaheena Sultana, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, Mr. Md. Bayazid Rahman, Ms. Humayara Binte Rashid, Mr. Mostafiz Ahammed, Ms. Nafisa Tabassum, Lecturers of the Department of CSE, and Mr. Theodore Sourav Palma, Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature paid a jovial visit to the projects and witnessed their functioning, which elated the students.

Mr. Baizeed Ahmed Bhuiyan further added that such project showcasing was last held on December 3, 2019, and could not be held in this long interval due to global pandemic situation that forced all to switch to on-line mode of teaching. Hence, it was necessary to organize this showcasing to get the students gradually back to their normal academic life in a sprightly manner.

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