Mithun Rozario



Mithun Rozario is a lecturer in the Department of English, Notre Dame University Bangladesh. In January 2022, he joined the Department of English Language and Literature of NDUB as an adjunct lecturer and later started teaching full-time. Mithun worked as a research assistant at North South University, Dhaka, in NSU Funded Research Projects: 2020-2021. The research entitled, ‘English language education, social (in)justice and symbolic violence: critical insights from Bangladesh.’ He is also a professional content writer and editor, having served various companies in the past. His career also includes working at advertising agencies and as an English trainer.

Mithun joined The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures (CSLC) team at the prestigious University of Notre Dame as a visiting scholar in Fall 2023. He taught various English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses, facilitated several academic workshops, and attended numerous conferences during his tenure at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.

Academic Qualification:
• MA in English Linguistics from North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
• BA in English Literature from Loyola College, (Affiliate with University of Madras) Chennai, India
Research Interests:
• Mithun Rozario has a research interest in Sociolinguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), English Language education policy, Social (in)justice, capabilities and quality of education, Postmodern Literature, and Critical Literary Theories. Two of his research articles are in the process of being reviewed to be published in peer-reviewed journals.

Specialized Training and Prominent Academic Affiliations:
Jesuit Novitiate, Juniorate, and Scholastic Program (2010-2017)
Mithun has undergone a highly intensive Jesuit training that instilled in him a well-balanced knowledge of the self and humankind in the modern world. The training involved an all-around spiritual, academic, and practical formation of the mind. It also offered an opportunity to learn and communicate in English in a great multicultural environment.

Research Assistant, North South University, Dhaka

NSU Funded Research Projects: (2020-2021)
The ongoing research entitled, ‘English language education, social (in)justice and symbolic violence: critical insights from Bangladesh.’

Visiting Scholar & Adjunct Assistant Teaching Professor,
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA (Fall, 2023- Fall, 2024)

Mithun joined The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures (CSLC) team at the prestigious University of Notre Dame, USA as a visiting scholar in Fall 2023. He taught various English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses, facilitated several academic workshops, and attended numerous conferences during his tenure at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana.

Awards & Achievements:
• Secured First Rank in the department and earned Gold Medals for three consecutive years in English part three major papers at Loyola College, Chennai, India.
• Secured First Rank, Gold medalist for French-language paper in the academic year 2014-15 in Loyola College, Chennai.
• Secured Second Prize in the Short Story writing of the National Level Triple Competitions held in Chennai, India. (20th February 2016)
• Secured Third prize in Inter Jesuit Story and Essay Competitions held in Colombo, Sri Lanka (24th February 2014)
• Secured First Prize in the Photo Competition of the National Level Competitions held in Chennai, India. (22nd December 2014)
• Certificate of honor for being part of the organizing team of the International Conference on ‘New Literature and Their relevance in the 21st Century, convened by the English Department of Loyola College, Chennai. (17th & 18th December 2014)
• Awarded the certificate of honor for voluntary service and blood donation at the Tamil Nadu State Aids Control Society and Blood transfusion Council. (27th September 2014).


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Fall 2025

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