Celebration of International Women’s Day and 5th Club Anniversary

Keeping up with the ritual and legacy this club has written that the combined
celebration of Club Anniversary and Women’s Day was held online, we could
gather Registrar Fr. Adam S. Pereira along with other members of NDUB directory
in this jovial event. We could gather almost 100 students in the real time and
recording was left for those who were unable to attend.

Our event had two very inspiring female guests we got to know about their journey and how the stairs to success are for women in STEM.

Dr. Tanzima Hashem, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and 

Mousume Bhowmick, Web Application Developer at Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, Oregon, United States delivered very inspiring speech. 

Cultural program and some slideshow recalling the old the memory were included here in this event. 

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