Tazia Hossain

Asst. Professor, Business Administration


Tazia Hossain started her teaching career as a Lecturer (Statistics) at Notre Dame University Bangladesh, Department of Business Administration on 14th September 2015. For her continuous contributions, she has been promoted as Assistant Professor at Notre Dame University Bangladesh on 1st March 2021. Besides teaching, she worked with the research team of Notre Dame University Bangladesh as a Co-Director in an international research project titled “Continuing Education of disadvantaged adolescents in South Asia”, organized and funded by the International Federation of Catholic Universities [IFCU] from Notre Dame University Bangladesh. One of the main aims of this project was to identify the reasons behind dropping education of disadvantaged adolescents from January 2016 to December 2018.

Educational Background

  • Masters in Development Studies (MDS), (CGPA 3.46), University of Dhaka, Year 2016
  • MS. (CGPA 3.79), University of Dhaka (Major: Statistics, Biostatistics and Informatics), Year 2013.
  • BSc. (Hons) (CGPA 3.54), University of Dhaka (Major: Statistics, Biostatistics and Informatics), Year 2012.
  • HSC (GPA 4.60), Govt. Mohila College, Narayangonj, (Science), Year 2007.
  • SSC (GPA 5.00), Narayangonj Govt. Girls’ High School (Science), Year 2005.



Journal articles:

  1. Tazia Hossain. (2016). Effect of Preceding Birth Interval on Under-Five Mortality: Evidence-based on Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 Data. The IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education. Vo.6, Issue 6, Ver.7, Nov. –Dec. 2016.
  2. Tazia Hossain. (2017). Maternal Expose to Biomass Smoke and Reduce Birth Size in Bangladesh: Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic Heath SURVEY, 2011 Data. The IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education. Vo.6, Issue 6, Ver.1, November –December 2017.
  3. Tazia Hossain. (2020). Maternal Socioeconomic, Demographic and Nutritional Factors Contributing to Improve Low Birth Size in Bangladesh. International Journal for Research in Mathematics and Statistics.Volume-6 | Issue-12 | Dec, 2020.
  4. Tazia Hossain. (2021). Ensuring Sustainable Livelihood for the Workers for the Sustainable Development in Ready Made Garments Industry in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. International Journal for Research in Educational Studies. Volume-7 | Issue-1 | Jan 2021.
  5. Tazia Hossain.(2021) Factors Leading to School Dropout in Bangladesh: An Empirical Approach. Global Journal of Human Social Sciences. Volume 21 | Issue 2 | Version 1.0 | January 2021.

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