Distribution of Marks

The distribution of marks for given courses will be as follows:

    1.  Mid-Term: 20 (duration: one hour)
    2.  Final: 40 (duration: 2 hours)
    3.  Attendance: 10 (for 90% attendance)
    4.  Quiz: 10 (minimum 3 quizzes)
    5.  Assignment: 10
    6. Presentation: 10

*Pass Marks in the written part (Mid + Final) out of 60 is 24.
*Pass Marks in the other 40 marks for attendance, quiz, assignment and presentation is 16.

*Students have to obtain permission from the academic council to attend the final examination if their attendance and participation are less than 70% (due to legitimate/justifiable reasons).

The Grading System

The total performance of a student in a given course is based on a scheme of continuous assessment made through a set of In-course/assignment(s) class attendance and participation and a semester Final Examination. The assessment in sessional courses are made through observation of the student at work in classwork and viva-voce. A Letter Grade with a specified number of Grade Points is awarded in each course for which a student has registered. A student’s performance is measured by the number of credits that he/she has completed satisfactorily and the weighted average of the Grade Point is required to be maintained for satisfactory progress. Similarly, a minimum number of earned credits should be acquired in order to qualify for the Degree.

Grading Scale

Letter Grades and corresponding Grade Points will be awarded in accordance with the provisions shown below:

Equivalence Grade Point Equivalence Description Letter Grade
80% - 100% 4.0 Outstanding A+
75% - 79% 3.75 Excellent A
70% - 74% 3.50 Very Good A-
65% - 69% 3.25 Good B+
60% - 64% 3.00 Satisfactory B
55% - 59% 2.75 Fair B-
50% - 54% 2.50 Average C+
45% - 49% 2.25 Below Average C
40% - 44% 2.00 Pass D
Below 40% 0.00 Fail F

Thirty percent (30%) of marks shall be allotted to continuous assessment: class attendance, active participation in the class, assignment, presentation, and quizzes or class tests. The remaining marks will be allotted to Mid-Term and Semester Final Examination – conducted centrally by the University. There may be two examiners for each course in the Semester Final Examination.

Earned Credits

The courses in which a student obtains C or a higher grade will be counted as credits earned by him/her. If a student obtains D grade in any core course of any Semester, he/she will have to repeat the course. In the case of D grade in an optional course, s/he may choose to take a substitute course, if available.

Regular Grading

D Grade will not be counted for Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation but will be shown on the Grade Sheet. When a student repeats a course in which s/he previously obtained D/F grade, s/he will be given just immediate lower grade that s/he obtained in the repeated course. But in case s/he obtains C grade, that will be maintained and this grade will be shown in the transcript. If a student has to repeat a course due to punishment on him/her, the grade obtained will be maintained. If a student obtains a grade other than D in a course, s/he will be allowed to repeat the course for the purpose of grade improvement.

Repetition of Course(s)

If a student repeats a course for which s/he obtained D/F grade (in any previous semester), s/he may be allowed to repeat the continuous assessment (i.e. Class Test/Assignment/Term paper) to improve the grade, but s/he has to apply to the Head of the Department through concerned course teacher within 20 working days from the beginning of the semester. However, the marks of class attendance and participation will be taken from the previous record.

Policy for repeating and retaking courses

Repeat: A student who receives an F grade in a course will repeat it and the grade received on repeating the course will replace his/her original grade (F). A student can repeat a course twice. To repeat courses students must first register with applicable fees

Retake: A student with a grade of B minus (B-) or below (not F grade) may retake courses for improvement of grade once; the best of the grades earned in a course on retaking will be counted for CGPA calculation. Registration with appropriate fees must be completed before retaking courses.