Rules for Make-up and Supplementary Exams

The total performance of a student in a given course is based on a scheme of continuous assessment made through a set of In-course/assignment(s) class attendance and participation and a Semester Final Examination. The assessment in-sessional courses are made through observation of the student at work in classwork and viva-voce. A Letter Grade with a specified number of Grade Points is awarded in each course for which a student has registered. A student’s performance is measured by the number of credits that he/she has completed satisfactorily and the weighted average of the Grade Point is required to be maintained for satisfactory progress. Similarly, a minimum number of earned credits should be acquired in order to qualify for the Degree.

Make up policy for Mid-Term Exam

If a student is unable to appear for mid-term exam for any serious or valid reason(s), she or he will be permitted to write “make up exam” if she or he intends to do so. In that case the concerned student will be obliged to abide by the following rules:

    1. A student who intends to sit for mid-term exam must bring her/his parents to meet with the Registrar to verify her/his reason(s) for not being able to appear for that particular exam; and
    2. He/she who receives permission for re-examination will have to pay Tk. 2,000/- (two thousand) fee for exam of each course.

Make up policy for Final Exam

There will be no makeup exam system after the semester final. If for any reason a student fails to appear for the final exam, s/he will have to repeat the whole course in the following semester with full payment. If a student gets sick during the final exams can be given a sick-bed to appear for the exams.

Supplementary Exam

Only the students who secured ‘F’ grade because of their low marks (between 15 and 27) in the written part (out of 30+40=70) will be permitted to write a “Supplementary Exam”. The following rules will be applicable for the privilege:

    1. Names and ID numbers of the students who secured ‘F’ grades with marks 15 to 27 will be published; only the enlisted students will be allowed to apply (form available) for Supplementary Exams;
    2. A student will be permitted to write Supplementary Exam only for two courses with ‘F’ grades (with marks 15 to 27). The rest of the courses with ‘F’ grades of the concerned student will have to be repeated; and
    3. Fee for each Supplementary Exam will be Tk. 4,000/- (four thousand only).

Rules for Make-up and Supplementary Exams

The total performance of a student in a given course is based on a scheme of continuous assessment made through a set of In-course/assignment(s) class attendance and participation and a Semester Final Examination. The assessment in-sessional courses are made through observation of the student at work in classwork and viva-voce. A Letter Grade with a specified number of Grade Points is awarded in each course for which a student has registered. A student’s performance is measured by the number of credits that he/she has completed satisfactorily and the weighted average of the Grade Point is required to be maintained for satisfactory progress. Similarly, a minimum number of earned credits should be acquired in order to qualify for the Degree.

Make up for Mid-Term Exam

If a student is unable to appear for mid-term exam for any serious or valid reason(s), she or he will be permitted to write “make up exam” if she or he intends to do so. In that case the concerned student will be obliged to abide by the following rules:

    1. A student must bring her/his parents to meet with the Registrar to verify her/his reason(s) for not being able to appear for that particular exam; and
    2. Those who receive permission for re-examination will have to pay Tk. 2,000/- (two thousand) fee for exam of each course.

Make up for Final Exam

There will be no system of makeup exam for semester final. Those students who happen to be sick during the exam will be permitted to take the final exam with special arrangements. If for any reason someone fails to appear for the final exam, s/he will have to repeat the whole course in the following semester with full payment.

Supplementary Exam

Only the students who secured ‘F’ grade because of their low marks (between 15 and 27) in the written part (out of 30+40=70) will be permitted to write a “Supplementary Exam”. The following rules will be applicable for the privilege:

    1. Names and ID numbers of the students who secured ‘F’ grades with marks 15 to 27 will be published; only the enlisted students will be allowed to apply (on form available) for Supplementary Exams;
    2. A student will be permitted to write Supplementary Exam only for two courses with ‘F’ grades (with marks 15 to 27). The rest of the courses with ‘F’ grades of the concerned student will have to be repeated; and
    3. Fee for each Supplementary Exam will be Tk. 4,000/- (four thousand only).

Admission Open

Fall 2025

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