Summer 2020 Trimester Final Assessment

Using online and distant teaching-learning modes and platforms. NDUB’s summer trimester is heading towards its end. As per academic calendar. trimester final assessments commence on 23-27. September. 2020.

Chairpersons of all departments. in consultation vv ith their faculty members. will make necessary plans and coordinate and conduct the summer trimester final ass.sment activities. Therefore. all students are ad, ised and instructed to communicate to their respective departmen. and course teachers regarding the dat.. syllabuses and types of assessment activities and tasks. and do the necess,. Students. as individual and class, arc responsible for completing all requirements for the trimester final assessment. therefore. contact your course teachers.

Students without batch courses are instructed to contact their assigned teachers for final assessment and cotnplete the assessment in due time. No supplement, courses were offered in summer 2020.

All students are advised to clear all financial dues for summer 2020 trimester as it is a requirement for participating final assessment.

Students as you participate and complete the assessments. know that though teachers are unable to super, ise ,our ,vork in person but God does. So. abstain from plagiarizing and maintain high moral and ethical standar.. In addition. teachers are using different online tools to examine plagiarism and if proven. you might be expelled or marks deducted.

All assessment t.ks and activities must be completed and submitted to the teachers in due time declared by the departments. A, unreasonable excuses shall not be entertained nor endorsed in an, a, .

I wish ,ou all good luck . you prepare and participate for trimester final assessment. Take care of your health and others around you.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

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