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Ahmed Aushmita Taimee



Ahmed Aushmita Taimee has completed her BA (Hons.) in Linguistics from the University of Dhaka. After her undergraduate studies, she embarked on a career at Reve Systems Ltd. as an Associate Linguist and meanwhile, she was also pursuing her Master’s in ELT from the Department of English Language, Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka. She completed her Master’s program in September 2022, achieving the first position.
From March 2022 to September 2022, she served as an ESL Instructor and Cultural Trainer at LTC Language Solutions. Currently serving as a lecturer in the English department at Notre Dame University Bangladesh, Taimee previously contributed her expertise to the English department at the European University of Bangladesh from January 2023 to July 2023.
Till now, she has participated in several training programs and workshops to improve her teaching skills-
• Webinar on “Written Corrective Feedback on Student Writing” organized by TESOL.BD.
• National Symposium on “English Teachers’ Professional Development “Pathways to Teaching English: Innovative Pedagogies and Techniques.” organized by TESOL.BD and NAEM, Bangladesh.
• International Workshop on “The Place of English in Our Lives” organized by the University of Sulaimani.
• Workshop on “Developing Humanistic Language Teaching Materials: Humanizing a second soul” organized by Center for Language Studies, ULAB.
• Sprint Course on “Critical Thinking for English Language Classroom” organized by Regional English Language Office, US Embassy Belgrade.

On 8th December 2022, she attended “Discover English 2022: Conference on English Language and Literature”, organized by TESOL.BD and American International University Bangladesh where she presented her research paper titled “Impact of Out-of-class Language Learning Activities on Adult Learners”. In August 2023, she along with her co-authors presented their research paper titled “Ego Boundary: A Barrier in Learning English for the Students of Bangladesh” for the 21st Asian TEFL International Conference 2023. Her diverse research interests encompass Sociolinguistics, Anthropological Linguistics, Language Identity, Language Documentation, Second Language Acquisition, Teaching Methods for EFL classes, and English Language Policy and Curriculum Development.
Beyond her academic pursuits, Taimee is actively involved in Shotokan Karate and Judo, holding a green belt. She also engages in debating and drama and has made significant contributions to the community as a Community Level Volunteer Instructor for Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense during her undergraduate years.